Digital transition, transformation, and acceleration

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Digital transition, transformation, and acceleration The time has come! We must get to work and start working on the recovery of our companies. We need to start addressing the challenges ahead, building on the knowledge of the pandemic’s impact on organizations. There is no doubt that ACTION is needed, and digitalization is at the heart […]

7 UX Design trends for the next years

artigo ux header 04 21 EN

7 UX Design trends for the next years    The digital market is constantly growing, with the launch of new products, services, and applications that aim to meet the demands of increasingly connected consumers. Gone are the days when designers were only concerned with the visuals. Today, design has evolved in countless ways, and one of them is the emergence of […]

Algardata integrates the KIPT project

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Algardata integrates the KIPT project    Algardata recently participated in the KIPT project (Knowledge to Innovate Professions in Tourism), co-funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) and developed by the European University, through the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, and in cooperation with other partners. This initiative aims to contribute to “improve the social situation of tourism workers, […]

Smart City: 5 technologies to create smarter cities

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Smart City: 5 technologies to create smarter cities Smart cities are no longer just a future trend, they are already a reality and growing rapidly as the Internet of Things (IoT) evolves and affects city services globally. More and more cities are aware of technological innovations capable of building smart cities that promote a healthy […]

Local Commerce: How to prepare for the new reality

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Return Local Commerce: How to prepare for the new reality At this moment, local commerce is one of the most affected sectors due to the pandemic with drops in turnover of over 60% and is facing increasing difficulties in surviving and becoming more dynamic. The Covid-19 pandemic has arrived silently and devastatingly, and the impacts […]

Teleworking: 5 tips for a more motivated team

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Return Teleworking: 5 tips for a more motivated team Team motivation is a common challenge in the workplace. But those who think that rigid management is the only way to maintain a productive team are wrong. On the contrary, involving and motivating employees and aligning them with the aspirations and goals of the company is […]

Teleworking: 6 tips to be more productive at home

algardata artigo 6 dicas 12 20

Return Teleworking: 6 tips to be more productive at home The Covid-19 public health crisis has changed many parts of our daily routine: office visits, face-to-face meetings, and what it means to be a worker in the modern economy. With “social distancing” now the norm in many countries, the transition of employers to teleworking has […]

Teleworking: How not to lose control of your business

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Return Teleworking: How not to lose control of your business We are going through delicate moments, in a fight against an invisible enemy that has spread to the most diverse countries of the world. Many companies have been forced to restructure following the increase in cases of Covid-19 infections, putting their workers into telework. However, […]

Teleworking: 5 tools to maintain productivity

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Return Teleworking: 5 tools to maintain productivity The pandemic caused by Covid-19 disease and the resulting measures of isolation and social confinement have led to the generalisation of teleworking. This public health crisis has changed many parts of our daily routine: office visits, face-to-face meetings, and what it means to be a worker in the modern […]

Hotel management: 5 technological solutions for your business

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Return Hotel management: 5 technological solutions for your business Logistics management, billing management, team management, BackOffice management – all these areas of hotel management are too complex to manage with outdated tools and manual processes. This is why hotel managers, regardless of the size of the business, benefit from the novelties and technological solutions relating […]

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