Voltar8 key digital trends in a post-pandemic world 


Consumer demands and behaviors emerge and change rapidly, especially in the technology sector. The pandemic brought changes that triggered digital trends that will endure in a post-pandemic world.   

To tackle this crisis, many companies have relied on technology. Recent tech trends are helping organizations adapt to remote work, collaborate online, and keep customer relationships active. 

Today, businesses continue to incorporate new habits, that combined with new technologies, ensure market growth, increase competitiveness, customer acquisition, and profitability. 

Continue reading to discover more about the top post-pandemic digital trends and find out what innovations to expect soon. 


artigo tendencias digitais virtual reality 08 21

Virtual Reality   

Virtual Reality is a virtual environment that transports the user into a simulated environment. To achieve this experience, the user wears a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) worn at eye level.   

This recent technology has found applications beyond gaming in our “new normal.” We have seen, for example, an increase in the use of virtual reality glasses with headsets to explore travel destinations and participate in online entertainment.  

Companies are also increasingly using Virtual Reality platforms to hold conferences and train and connect employees. As we continue to implement social distancing practices, Virtual Reality presents a substantial role in shaping our future human interactions.   


artigo tendencias digitais ai 08 21

Artificial Intelligence in customer service


With the increase in online consumption, companies have begun to invest in artificial intelligence for online customer service. A few examples include chatbots, IVR bots, and robotic process automation (RPA).  

Today, AI tools are able to generate good results and transform the negative perception that many people have about customer service. These tools represent an important gain since they simulate human thought processing with self-learning systems, from data mining, pattern recognition, natural language processing, among others. The result is an improved customer experience. 

artigo tendencias digitais virtualizacao 08 21 

Service Virtualization 

The purpose of virtualization is to increase server utilization by optimizing server utilization, but without having to buy new equipment to expand your data center.   

 Virtualization services that use network functions virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking (SDN) are enabling enterprises to rapidly expand their reach to connect with employees, customers, and business partners.  

 A recent survey of IT professionals conducted by Spiceworks found that 80% of small and medium-sized businesses have already adopted some form of server virtualization. Virtualization is now considered a common architecture, and many companies are already committed to implementing all new applications and solutions in virtualized environments. Because of all the benefits it presents, service virtualization will certainly continue to be a trend in the coming years. 


artigo tendencias digitais cloud 08 21

Internet of Things (IoT)  

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the technology trends that stood out during the pandemic. While the internet initially referred to the large-scale network of computers, today, devices of all shapes and sizes – from cars to kitchen appliances – are connected and share data digitally on a global scale.  

As with all other aspects of society, the coronavirus pandemic has also affected how this trend impacts our daily lives. At a time when contact between humans is limited, the connection between devices and tools can help us stay a little closer.  

IoT will continue to offer new opportunities for innovation in digital business over the next decade, and companies must ensure they have the skills and partners needed to support key emerging IoT trends and technologies. 


artigo tendencias digitais devopsec 08 21


In the current climate, those who adapted the fastest were able to minimize the impacts of the crisis. Therefore, from now on, a trend that should gain strength is the adoption of DevOpSec. When it comes to the software development cycle, human interaction leaves room for failure – therefore, fast and secure feedback is the key to the required adaptation. 

With DevOpSec, the union of Development, Operation, and Security practices with automation, validations are continuous with every change. Code is compiled, security requirements are reviewed, and functional rules are validated. Once everything is checked off, production is updated with a new version and at the end of the process, the customer is notified that an update is available for his or her use.  

This methodology is an alternative to respond to the speed that the digital world demands, without giving up security and quality credentials. After all, having fast processes allows you to find quick solutions and increase the speed of the feedback cycle. 


artigo tendencias digitais voz 08 21

Voice Search   

This trend has taken hold of the digital market and is seemingly everywhere. The demand for search and other voice features will likely continue to grow. Research shows that users now feel more comfortable talking to Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, or Cortana.   

Predictions suggest that, in the next few years, 50% of searches will be performed via voice search. Yet, if you implement voice search into your strategy, you will need to consider the types of searches that are most common among users – for example, ‘near me’ searches are growing. In that case, your company might create content using location-focused keywords to attract some of the audience that performs voice searches. 


artigo tendencias digitais saass 08 21

Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud investments   

One technology trend that is expected to remain post-pandemic, is investment in Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud technologies, including solutions that facilitate remote working, remote application development and remote operations.    

SaaS is a business model that has revolutionized the software industry and can also transform your company’s management. The acronym sounds complicated, but it simply means “software as a service”: a way of selling systems as services rather than products. So, you don’t have to worry about installing, maintaining, or updating the software: you just use your browser to access the service 100% online and use all the features your company needs. This convenience has made SaaS a highly popular model worldwide. 


The “new normal” is already in place, and technology will play a pivotal role in the world created out of this crisis. The pandemic has made businesses more digital than ever before. And this will require companies to implement solutions that fit the needs of today’s society – whether by using DevOpSecs in the creation of new processes, investing in Software as a Service (SaaS), or opting for virtualization services.


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