Digital Signage: 7 trends your business needs to adopt in 2021

artigo sinaletica digital 03 21 header EN

ReturnDigital Signage: 7 trends your business needs to adopt in 2021 Almost everyone has digital signage in their branches, and due to the pandemic, most businesses now plan on investing on it even more. Digital signage usage has consistently grown over the years. As traditional advertising such as flyers, brochures, and leaflets are slowly being […]

A new management model

artigo juan novo modelo gestao header 02 21 EN

ReturnA new management model Spotify announced last Friday that it will pay the same wages to employees who work from home as it pays to those who work at the office. This decision marks and highlights a phenomenon that has become widespread with the lockdowns caused by the Covid-19 pandemic: remote work. But the issue […]

Local Commerce: How to prepare for the new reality

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Return Local Commerce: How to prepare for the new reality At this moment, local commerce is one of the most affected sectors due to the pandemic with drops in turnover of over 60% and is facing increasing difficulties in surviving and becoming more dynamic. The Covid-19 pandemic has arrived silently and devastatingly, and the impacts […]

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